Esta vez se pone cómoda en el diván la periodista María Montero en su más puro esencia.

La Imaginaria
Cuarto Creciente
El Gabinete de Pruden
Cuarto Creciente
Así Nos Luce
Dra Love
En El Diván De...

Welcome to this cricket cage, mortals.
At El Diván we want you to be an active part of the radio and of this great family, so we have put several channels for that you can be in contact in all live broadcasts.
Through the chat room ( click here to go ) which will open approximately one hour before the broadcast.
Through whatsapp at the number +34606637915 with messages of one minute or so of audio for dedications or whatever you want to say live.
If you want to go up to the antenna live through a WhatsApp call.
By e-mail: eldivandeunperfectodesconocido@gmail.com

(Días de diario las emisiones de música darán comienzo a partir de las 2100 )